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Your Valuable Team at the Helm

What many people don’t expect when they work with us — we’re human too. We’ve all made our fair share of mistakes in this world; many of these mistakes helped us become the competent advisors we are today. 

Without these lessons, we would be left referencing textbook material and subjective news commentary, and that’s no way to run a business. Our hope for every one of our clients is that after each meeting, you’ll feel more confident and rest assured that your money is here to be an engine of opportunity.

Darien Croce,  AIF®, CTC, EA, NTPI Fellow® Photo Darien Croce,  AIF®, CTC, EA, NTPI Fellow® Hover Photo
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Darien Croce, AIF®, CTC, EA, NTPI Fellow®



My passion for investing began back when I was 19 yrs old and deployed in the United States Marine Corps. I opened up my first account, started saving $20 a month, and began devouring literature on how to do it correctly! It wasn't until a few years later when an opportunity to work at Morgan Stanley in Oakland, CA really showed me that financial planning was what I really wanted to do. I spent 10 years with Morgan Stanley and then Merrill Lynch learning all I could about how to do this professionally.

Eventually it became clear that working at these larger organizations I wasn't really working for my clients best interests, but instead for the bottom line of these huge firms. Something needed to change...and this change resulted in the creation of Parallel Wealth Management, a Registered Investment Advisory in Redding, California that allows me to be a complete fiduciary, and fee-only financial planner that works only for my clients.

Every day, I find new ways to better serve my clients. And I have no doubt Parallel Wealth Management  will continue to grow and make a real difference in our community. Outside of work, my wife, Stephanie, and I enjoy volunteering our time at several local organizations. When we’re not doing that we are hanging out with our two boys, Alexander and Miles, and spending time traveling, fishing, hunting, and just plain enjoying life!

Learn More About Me

If you had a million dollars to spend, what would be the first three things you would buy?
A hunting cabin and land in Idaho, a late 60's or early 70's Ford Bronco, and the rest would be invested for the future!

Which would you pick: Living on the beach or living near the mountains?
Live on the beach in the summer and near the mountains in the winter.

Imagine being approached by a genie who offers you three wishes. What might those wishes be?
The metabolism that I had when I was 20, perfect health, and three more wishes.

If you had the ability to travel back in time, what’s something you would tell your 18-year-old self?
Add more money to your accounts!!! Compounding interest is by far the most awesome thing around.